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Primary School PE and Sport Funding

What is it? 

In April 2013, the Government announced new funding of £150 million for physical education (PE) and sport provision.  

Funding is be allocated to all maintained and state-funded schools with primary phase pupils, including: primary, middle, special and nonmaintained special schools, academies and pupil referral units from 1 September 2013.

Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport we offer such as:

  • Developing or adding to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers
  • Building capacity and capability within school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years

There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:

  1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at  least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
  2. The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
  3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  5. Increased participation in competitive sport

What does our intent mean for PE, School Sport and Physical Activity?

At Long Lane Primary School, physical education (PE), school sport and physical activity is an important part of our curriculum and school life. As a result, we aim:

  • To provide an inclusive, engaging and progressive physical education curriculum so that all children confidently develop the knowledge, skills and competence to participate and excel in a range of sports and physical activities, thus enabling all to achieve their personal best.
  • To provide all children with the opportunity to engage in competitive sports and activities, both within our school and the wider community.
  • To have a positive impact on children’s health and wellbeing including their physical, social, emotional and cognitive development, while fostering a love of physical activity, which they will carry forward as they move through life.

To ensure we can follow through with our intent and the national curriculum requirements, we use the PE and Sports Premium to help us develop the three key strands within our school:

  1. Enhancing the quality of PE lessons
  2. Developing school sport opportunities
  3. Promoting a healthy, active lifestyle.

Please click here for details of our Sports Clubs being run this term.

What have we spent our Sports Premium funding on?

For the academic year (2024-2025) we are planning to use the sports premium money to fund and develop PE, sport and physical activity in the following ways:  

  • Continue to develop active breaks and lunchtimes – use of zoned areas and recently purchased equipment in an effective manner as well as increased use of children as leaders including Sports Ambassadors, House Captains and Wellbeing Ambassadors alongside trained Lunchtime Supervisors. 
  • Additional equipment and resources purchased to further deliver high quality PE lessons as well as active breaks and lunchtimes e.g. easy to assemble tennis nets 
  • Gymnastics and Dance CPD refresher for staff through Hampshire Outdoors. 
  • Further CPD opportunities for staff through AfPE membership and Complete PE subscription as well as staff meetings to address areas based on feedback from staff and PE Scorecard to increase confidence and competence in identified areas of PE.  
  • Leadership Skills Foundation Playmaker Award for all children in Year 5.  
  • Teachers continuing to take more responsibility for delivery of competitive inter and intra-school events – volunteering and allocated events to run or accompany children to. 
  • Continue to develop active learning across school including refresher CPD as part of affiliation to Teach Active – English and Maths as well as other subject areas.  
  • Potential visits from other athletes to inspire children and further develop whole school impact. 
  • Top up/catch up swimming for children in Year 5 and 6 who didn’t meet the expectations from first set of lessons. 
  • Coaches provide increased opportunities for girls – particularly football (Y3/4/5/6 girls only football session) and netball (Y3/4/5/6). Try to increase numbers of girls at football, netball and tag rugby clubs.  
  • Maintain and increase attendance at a range of participation and competitive sports events. 
  • All children in Year 6 to represent school in at least one competitive sports event. 
  • Increased collaboration between sports coach and teachers to develop more confident teachers, deliver high quality inclusive PE lessons and make accurate assessments. All teachers, except PE Coordinator, to have one PE lesson per week working alongside sports coach. 
  • Aim to achieve School Games Gold Award for achievements in PE, School Sport and Physical Activity for third year in a row. 

For the academic year (2023-2024) we have used the sports premium money to fund and develop PE, sport and physical activity in the following ways:  

  • Continued to develop active breaks and lunchtimes – training for lunchtime staff (course through Hampshire Outdoors – Lunchtime Supervisors Workshop) and increased use of children as leaders including Sports Ambassadors, House Captains and Wellbeing Ambassadors. 
  • Further CPD opportunities for staff through Complete PE scheme of work/membership as well as staff meetings to address areas based on feedback from staff and PE Scorecard to increase confidence and competence in identified areas of PE.  
  • Positive results from staff and pupil voice – reflects the successful use of funding to deliver high quality PE, school sport and physical activity. 
  • Teachers taken more responsibility for delivery of competitive inter and intra-school events – volunteered and allocated events to run or accompany children to. 
  • Continued to develop active learning across school – Teach Active English and Maths as well as other subject areas.  
  • Paralympian Aaron Phipps visited school again – all children got to meet him two years since his last visit. Year 5/6 had an inspirational workshop with him which links to our vision and secrets of success. 
  • Top up/catch up swimming in Year 6 for children who didn’t meet the expectations in Year 5. 
  • Coaches provided increased opportunities for girls – particularly football (Y3,4,5,6 girls only football session) and netball (Y3/4/5/6). Increased numbers of girls at football, netball and tag rugby clubs.  
  • Basketball club run by Reading Rockets for Y1-6. 
  • Two Parkour clubs run for Y1-6. 
  • Increased attendance and success at range of competitive sports events. 
  • All children in Year 6 represented school in competitive sport event. 
  • Increased collaboration between sports coach and teachers to develop more confident teachers, deliver high quality inclusive PE lessons and make accurate assessments. 
  • Achieving School Games Gold Award for achievements in PE, School Sport and Physical Activity. 


For the academic year (2022-2023) we have used the sports premium money (£17,780) to fund and develop PE, sport and physical activity in the following ways:  

  • Teacher CPD including dance twilight sessions to increase confidence and competence in this area. Opportunities for further CPD including through Complete PE scheme of work/membership as well as staff meetings to address areas based on feedback from Pupil Voice, Staff Voice and PE Scorecard.
  • Curriculum development – full implementation of Complete PE scheme of work/membership (purchased July 2021) including use of portal and assessment etc. Staff meeting time.
  • Continue to develop active breaks and lunchtimes – increased use of Year 6 children as leaders. 
  • Intra and inter-school competitions run by PE Coordinator and Sports Ambassadors (Friday afternoons) – competition for all.
  • Time for PE Coordinator to organise and take teams to sporting competitions – football as well as range of other activities.
  • Continue to increase the range of different sports accessed both in school and through School Sport Network – particular focus on wider range of children accessing inter-school competitions.
  • Continue to develop active learning across school – Teach Active English and Maths as well as other subject areas where possible. Possible use for targeted interventions.
  • Increased collaboration between sports coach and teachers to develop more confident teachers, deliver high quality PE lessons and make accurate assessments.
  • Top up/catch up swimming in Year 6 for children who didn’t meet the expectations in Year 5.
  • Achieved School Games Gold Award for achievements in PE, School Sport and Physical Activity. 


For the academic year (2021-2022) we have used the sports premium money (£17,844 + 6,275 c/f) to fund and develop PE, sport and physical activity in the following ways:

  • Teacher CPD including gymnastics twilight sessions (Autumn 2021) to increase confidence and competence in this area. Opportunities for further CPD including through Complete PE scheme of work/membership.
  • Increased activity levels – use of 5-a-day fitness/movement break videos for children (particularly Foundation and KS1), consistent use of play equipment across all age groups at break and lunchtimes.
  • Continue to develop active lessons/outdoor learning across school – English, Maths as well as other subject areas where possible.
  • Curriculum development – gradually implementing Complete PE scheme of work/membership (purchased July 2021) in order to support teachers to deliver a suitably challenging and progressive curriculum offering including a wider variety of sports and physical activities on offer.
  • Club development (COVID recovery) – adult led through staff in school and outside agencies as well as child-led too (lunchtimes - Y6).
  • Intra and inter-school competitions run by PE Coordinator and Sports Ambassadors (Friday afternoons) – competition for all.
  • Sports Leadership – through sport network and development in school. Year 5 trained in Sports Leaders Award continued but delivered by PE Coordinator (in PE lessons) through Sports Leaders UK annual membership. Year 6s then able to deliver clubs effectively.
  • Subject coordination – time to organise subject including pupil voice, active/outdoor learning, training sports leaders etc.
  • Continue to increase the range of different sports accessed both in school and through School Sport Network – particular focus on wider range of children accessing inter-school competitions.
  • Return visit of Paralympian Aaron Phipps in 2021-2022 – further develop relationship between school and him in order to raise profile of PE and sport across school and the important life skills related. Apply his morals across the curriculum and school life.
  • Raising the profile of PE and sport across school through: sportsman and woman of the month, photo display screen in corridor, sports events for all.
  • Swimming – top-up for nine Year 6 children who failed to meet the requirements in 2021 so they can attend with Year 5s in Summer Term.
  • West Berkshire School Sport Network Affiliation – access to sports events. CPD, equipment hire (Archery event for PPC), health and wellbeing resources.
  • Provide range of equipment and resources to promote active breaks and lunchtimes as well as high quality PE lessons. 


For the academic year (2020-2021) we have used sports premium money (£10,407 + £11,805 c/f) to fund and develop sport in the following ways:

  • Implement the first phase of the Landscape strategy to encourage sustained physical activity across the school day
  • Further increasing the use of the track around the field - everyday use for all
  • Developing more children as leaders - Y5 and Y6 accessing Sports Leaders Playmaker Award and further development of the Girl’s Active Programme
  • Better quality lunchtime provision with links to child leaders delivering activities
  • Embedding ‘Teach Active’ across the school (Maths and English) to increase physical activity levels
  • More ‘intra-school’ activities – opportunities for all children to access competitive sport/physical activity opportunities
  • Continue to increase the range of different sports accessed both in school and through School Sport Network Competitions – particular focus on wider range of children accessing competitive opportunities
  • Provide more opportunities for staff to access CPD in PE

Carry forward to 2021/22 £6,275


For the academic year (2019-2020) we have used sports premium money (£17,790 + £9,750 c/f) to fund and develop sport in the following ways:

  • Subscription to Teach Active resources to increase activity across the school day
  • Affiliation to West Berkshire School Sport Network - increased access to range of sports and competitions, coaches, inspirational speakers and teacher CPD.
  • Use of high quality coaching during PE lessons in specific sporting discipline (gymnastics) as well as across a range of skills
  • Lunchtime football clubs run by FA qualified football coaches
  • Cover for sporting events 
  • Teacher training/CPD including FA courses
  • Sports affiliation to Newbury Schools FA, Berkshire FA Newbury Schools Netball, Team Kennet
  • Participation in Strictly Schools Dancing competition
  • Access to Berkshire School Virtual Games Competitions through School Sport Network during lockdown
  • Landscape strategy developed and finalised with children, staff and parents.
  • Power of PE planning to help deliver an increased range of sports and physical activities in PE lessons
  • Girls’ Active Programme started by group from Y5.

Carry forward to 2020/21 £11,805


For the academic year (2018-2019) we have used the sports premium money (£17,920 plus £12,000 c/f) to fund and develop sport in the following ways: 

  • Use of high quality coaching during PE lessons in specific sporting discipline - Gymnastics, Dance & Basketball
  • Lunchtime football clubs run by FA qualified football coaches
  •  Purchase of an artificial track that the children use regularly recording their laps
  •  Staff attendendance at Sports conferences and network meetings
  •  Purchase of Active Maths to engage children in combined PE & Maths learning
  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  • Sport affiliation to Newbury Schools FA, Berkshire FA Newbury Schools Netball

Carry forward to 2019/20 £9,750


For the academic year (2017-2018) we have used the sports premium money (£14,114 and £4,541) to fund and develop sport in the following ways: 

  • Use of high quality coaching during PE lessons in specific sporting discipline  - Gymnastics, Dance & Basketball
  • Lunchtime football clubs run by FA qualified football coaches
  • Covers for Sporting events (Denefield partnership, Crosfields tournaments)
  • Teacher training
  • Sports kits for athletics and netball teams
  • Sports affiliation to Newbury Schools FA, Berkshire FA Newbury Schools Netball

Carry forward to 2018/19 £12,000


For the academic year (2016-2017) we have used the sports premium money (£15,120 and 2015/16 carry forward of £2,570) to fund and develop sport in the following ways: 

  • Use of high quality coaching during PE lessons in specific sporting discipline  - Gymnastics, Dance & Basketball
  • Lunchtime football clubs run by FA qualified football coaches
  • Purchase of new equipment and repair/maintenance of existing equipment to enhance best practice in PE and Sport - Table tennis table
  • Sports affiliation to Newbury Schools FA, Berkshire FA Newbury Schools Netball
  • Transport for sporting fixtures

Carry forward to 2017/18 £4,541

Follow the link to see how we have been using the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding to meet our aims for PE, Sport and Physical Activity at Long Lane.